
How the coronavirus has impacted the stock market

Trevor has 3 critical pieces of advice for those that have been impacted heavily by coronavirus and the stock market.

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Considering tapping into your 401(k)? Here’s what to know…

If you’re feeling financially threatened by the coronavirus and are considering tapping into your 401(k), you’re not alone.

2020 Stock Market Update

When it comes to the stock market, you may be wondering if we’re up or down so far this year, and more importantly, how it might impact you. Certified financial planner and president of Shakiba Capital, Trevor Shakiba gives a closer look at the market.

Real estate investing made easy with 4 different strategies

A simple guide to help you get started investing in real estate.

Five Do’s and Don’ts about Financial Diversification

So much has happened in the financial world since the start of 2020. If you want to make sure you have been making the best decisions for your investment, certified financial planner and president of Shakiba Capital, Trevor Shakiba shares 5 tips to help.